Rebuild a Counterpoint SA-100 or start over?

I have a Counterpoint SA-100 hybrid amp that's about 13 years old. Recently I had to press it into service on a backup system. The amp is running noisy (hissing and hash). I changed the tubes, but the problem is still there. Maybe it has to do with the mosfet outputs. Anyway, I could send the amp to Alta Vista Audio and have the thing rebuilt for about $1,000. The guy that runs Alta Vista also ran Counterpoint before its demise. Philisophically, I do have a bit of a problem sending the amp for a rebuilt when the guy didn't do such a great job in the first place. The alternative is to just buy a new amp. It would drive a pair of Quad 22Ls. Any suggestions?
You can buy a Rowland Model One for around $1000. No Counterpoint product at any price could ever compare.
i live in san diego ( minutes from counterpoint / alta vista) non of the local shops currently carry alta vista or carried previous counterpoint products because of relaiblilty issues.

mike elliotts gear is kinda like a jaguar car...when it is running..they are great..but when they go into the shop, they are never the same.

if you want headache and problems, then get the rebuild ( i think it is waaayyy overpriced)

otherwise i would avoid them. they have a reputation for very unreliable gear.

i would consider the muse 160 for $700. there is one on ebay (btw, it is not mine) or a pair of pse studio v monoblocks for ss amps.

if you want tubes, i would consider quicksilver monoblocks. they sound great and are very, very reliable unlike the counterpoint gear.

hope that helps !!

A sinking feeling for all those Countepoint owners, but then, why some very experienced Goners like Kublakhan are deeply, knee into Countepoint gear, like the legendary SA-11 or SA-4 preamps, as well as the SA 220? I used to dream about Counterpoints, when I could not afford them, and now, that I was somehow able to get them, I have all different type of gear. It is such a life.
My original (1985-86) SA-12 blew a Mosfet. I did send it in
for a rebuild and was quite impressed by the sound. Enough
to buy another old SA-12 (also with a blown channel) and rebuilt
it to run in mono.

Mike Elliott of Alta Vista argues that you are getting a lot more
for the rebuild as there's a lot less markup on the parts and
labour. All that's retained is the chassis and PS.
take a look at the Audio research Classic 60 stereo amp if you want a hybrid.

one of the best amps ever made ( i dont think anyone would disagre on this) and is still a refernce today.

this amp has it all, beautiful highs, thundering lows, beautiful mid etc...and very musical to top it off.

the classic 60 it is a hybrid 60 wpc amp - it is a tube output and solid state input( 60 wpc tube = 120 wpc solid state) and sounds better than most of their new amps.

and it is..........reliable !!!!!!!!!

they can be had for $1000 - $1200 used and they are reliable and still factory serviceable if needed ( audio research serivce departmentis very relaible and fair - i dont think they are try to grow their bottom line by offering outrageously expensive upgrades. they make the majority of their money off new products.

the rebuilt counterpoint gear is too risky imo.
the new alta vista gear is waaaayyyy overpriced compared to BAT & Manley to name a few and relaiblty is yet to be proven.

hope that helps out.