Do old Fisher tube amps compare to modern ones?

I have a Fisher 400 tube reciever that is being repaired. I got it for a great price but have never heard it. Can anyone tell me if it compares to modern amplification? What will it sound like? I currently have an NAD amp and am looking to improve in the natural quality of the music, soundstage, vocals, etc. Should I expect to lose a lot of bottom end? I listen to a variety of music but mainly acoustic rock, jazz, folk. Speakers are Spica TC-50. Also will be changing CDP.
Thanks for any insight.
I cannot speak with authority on the topic- but I sure hope not. I wish to buy some vintage amplication for some vintage speakers I own. I want to re-create The older sound which had a much warmer tone to it as I remember it. Modern tube equipment seems to be more precise and tends in many cases to eliminate extraneous signal paths. Due to limitations on source, (being all older analog all the time) you'll find all sorts of filters on vintage equipment which manipulates the signal. I am actually looking forward to it. I own a very clean modern tube amp that I tube roll to tweak the sound. The reason you see high tube prices for old stock is the desire to give a little color to the sound, but thats just my humble opinion. Look at today's Classifieds and you'll see a quad of Mullard EL 34s being advertised for $450.00. Mullards have a deep rich tone, that is hard to get from modern tubes, thus the asking price.
Frankly,If you're into hi end audio, The stock Fisher 400 will not impress you. I have had several vintage tube amps etc in my collection. They DO sound good but vintage Scott342 388 348 etc , Fisher tx-500 etc ,Mac solid state pieces sound very very much like the tube pieces and in some repects better. I'm sure I'll get some flack from some of you on this. So- I've sold my tube pieces to those who can appreciate them more than I and opted for the (cheaper) vintage solid state which can be had for a steal. There are some great sounding modern tube amps like Quicksilver CJ etc. Oldser tube pieces are at the very least problematic due to age- just like your old 69 Chevelle. Have fun!
I have a recently refurbished Fisher AM/FM tuner with an attached preamp that is so old that it only has mono outputs. By coincidence, I happen to be listening to it at this moment.

Yes, this one, like many other very old units, do have a unique and warm sound to them. For overall quality of sound they should be taken as more of a curiosity. In the corner of my living room I have my McIntosh 2102 (tube)--We call it 'BIG BLUE'-- amp on a rather spartan-looking mahogony stand that has a marble top. Sitting on the baseplates of the stand is the Fisher tuner and they are sitting just behind a pair of cherrywood Kef Referance 205 speakers. A number of people, especially guys, just stand in front of this set-up, holding their chins in complete wonderment. It is fun to watch and tell the stories, especially when I then explain what my Audio Aero Mark II(tube) CD player is. There are other pieces, but these make for quite the visual impact, and then I turn it all on!

Now, to complete the effect, imagine my wife and I standing near the set-up, hands outstretched warming our palms....

I think the above might be an answer to your question. If you are really into that classical warm sound of vintage tubes, I would point you toward some of the more interesting amps occasionally available on Audiogon. The very old fisher-type receivers, preamps and tuners can sound okay but if you want audiophile quality music then get something much newer. Even with new tubes and transisters you still have all of the old wires and connectors and these are far from perfect. In my case I listen much more to my CD player and I put on the old Fisher more for background music and it was a whole lot of fun when I used it to hear the World Series Baseball games as the radio feed comes in about 15 seconds faster than the visuals from my Satellite and this was quite the 60s-style trip!