Muralman1...I think that we call an amplifier "digital" if its output stage is pulse-width-modulated (high speed switching transistors ON or OFF) rather than a proportional conduction device (transistor or tube). The control module, ICE, Tripath, or whatever, is a (perhaps important) detail.
What makes the H20 amp good? Raves don't carry much weight without some backup facts. The $2000 price (but it isn't really for sale yet) is no great deal. My three (3) CarverPro amps cost me $2517. That's $0.69 per watt!
CarverPro not only has a web site with specs on their product, but also offers the schematic diagram for techies like me. When will H20 lay their cards on the table?
What makes the H20 amp good? Raves don't carry much weight without some backup facts. The $2000 price (but it isn't really for sale yet) is no great deal. My three (3) CarverPro amps cost me $2517. That's $0.69 per watt!
CarverPro not only has a web site with specs on their product, but also offers the schematic diagram for techies like me. When will H20 lay their cards on the table?