Pass Labs X2.5 - vs. - Placette Active Preamps

How does the Pass Labs X2.5 preamp and the Placette Active Preamp compare sonically head-to-head?
In your opinion, which is better and why?
An Active Placette unit can be purchased with a complementary design to support XLR/Balanced connection from input to output.

I would love to hear comparisons between a balanced active and a single ended active Placette. I am convinced that balanced would be better, but man, a balanced active Placette is mega bucks!
Guy of Placette is against balanced esp in the active version. From what I understand in normal applications he is right. There are benefits to both.
I think my less than wonderful experience with the Placette active had to do with the fact that this preamp has no gain.

As a result, the dynamics and bass were squashed and I believe that is what led to the overall unbalanced and rather lifeless and lean presentation.

But the highs were to die for and if there were a way for Placette to maintain the overall balance (to match the highs), it truly could be the best preamp going.

The Plactte Active (I owned one of the very few fully balanced versions) is truely one of the best preamps I have ever heard (It may be the best, but I do not have enough expereience comparing it to every unit on the planet to make that claim). It is better then the passive in every way. I will admit it probably does take some system matching. It is as transparent as they come, or at least as transparent as have heard. I did not have the issues with dynamics that others seem to have had. If I did not have a built in pre-amp in the DCC2, I would probably go back to the placette active. I hope that helps