BAT VK 5i and tubes, how to chosse?

I live in a distant Brazilian city, I have one BAT VK 5i with sovtek 6922 tubes. I would like to know about 6DJ8 amperex bugleboy logo, made in Holland( $105/pair), and 6DJ8 Amperex Orange World Logo Made in Holland($30/one)
Do you think they match with my BAT? . Some people
said to use sovtek 6H23 in place of sovtek 6922, even so are cheaper than the 6DJ8 amperex, but I think
that valley to pay for better quality. Which the best choice? is there any DANGER to BAT with 6DJ8?
I changed out the 5881's with Sylvania NOS 6L6WGB -military grade, brown bottoms to great effect..I changed the front outer two 6922's with Amperex 6DJ8's orange globe, steel pins made in Holland...awesome tube! I have some Amperex 7308 white labels coming my way soon and will let you know the results. These changes increased resolution, musicality, added real life and flesh to the bone....Ain't this fun?
Hey Larryken-

Just swapped out the JAN Philips 6L6WGB's for the hard to find and awesome Tung Sol 5881/6L6. These are USA NOS from about 1958 vintage according to dates and test better than new. WOW!!! What a smooth sound from these. Easily the best! of allI've used. If you can find a pair, I VERY HIGHLY recommend them!:)
I bougth 8 amperex 7308 qnd 2 tungsol 5881 - the sound became incridible-how is posible to join equipments distant 40 years old in the time and get the most wounderfull sound , one of mysterys.
George- Yes. Incredible..The NOS tubes really sing in the BAT . Enjoy your 5i!!--Ken :)
hey Kehut,
thanks for the heads up...I have a pair of NOS Sylvania 6L6GA's "coke bottles" coming my way and will let you know....Now I'm running Amperex White Label 7308's and hoping to try a pair of Amperex 6922 PQ White labels in the same set up as rolling is fun and not horrendously expensive like changing out components
