Teajay, unfortunately you will have to wait till at least late June 2006 for my report about Accustic Arts DAC-1Mk4/Drive-1 combo. I will receive this combo late June/early July but, my plan was to go to my beach house with my family from 08th July till 05th August...
Any way I am looking forward to audition new DAC-1Mk4! Your findings are extremly positive and honestly I think we need something at reference level(performance wise) but, at almost normal(for high end!) price range... I hope you agree with me since all other gear is very expensive.
Currently I have Audio Research Reference CD7 player and Weiss Medea/Jason combo in my system No.2 and Krell Evolution 505 player and Esoteric D-01/P-01/G-0s combo in my system No.1 and let me tell you honestly that performance of both Audio Research and Krell players are at almost the same level as Weiss combo... Progress I guess... Also I am currently auditioning some new speaker. Just to say this it is better then my Amati Anniversario but, not as good as Krell LAT-1000. More on this speaker in August... Sorry to go little bit off topic!
Teajay, in your opinion how much better over all is new DAC-1Mk4 then Mk3 version(in % if possible)? Thanks for your answer and for your introduction to this wonderfull brand!
Any way I am looking forward to audition new DAC-1Mk4! Your findings are extremly positive and honestly I think we need something at reference level(performance wise) but, at almost normal(for high end!) price range... I hope you agree with me since all other gear is very expensive.
Currently I have Audio Research Reference CD7 player and Weiss Medea/Jason combo in my system No.2 and Krell Evolution 505 player and Esoteric D-01/P-01/G-0s combo in my system No.1 and let me tell you honestly that performance of both Audio Research and Krell players are at almost the same level as Weiss combo... Progress I guess... Also I am currently auditioning some new speaker. Just to say this it is better then my Amati Anniversario but, not as good as Krell LAT-1000. More on this speaker in August... Sorry to go little bit off topic!
Teajay, in your opinion how much better over all is new DAC-1Mk4 then Mk3 version(in % if possible)? Thanks for your answer and for your introduction to this wonderfull brand!