Maggie 1.6QR amplification questions

Sometimes I feel as though I'm abusing all of you, but I've got so much valuable feedback from all of you out there already, it would seem a waste not to tap into when needed.

Anyway, I'm "patiently" waiting for my Magnepan 1.6QR's to come in. In the meantime, I'd like to finalize my amplification situation for these speakers. With a budget of $1500 at the most, which ss stereo amp will be the best mate for these speakers. Currently have an Anthem MCA 20 which I really like. Is this a good match already or would one of the following be better.

Odyssey Stratos with upgraded caps, used Bryston 4B-SST, PS Audio HCA 2, or your suugestions please.

Thanks so much!
I would give the Anthem a chance..since you are familiar with it and see what happens.No need to drop $1500 unless it's burning a hole in your pocket! LOL

Enjoy the Maggies!