Favorite integrated amp?

I`m researching integrated amps for my first system (either tubes, hybrid or ss). My budget is fairly open but let`s say...$1200-$1700 (used). I`d like some in-put from those of you who use int. amps in your system. I`d also like to hear what the rest of your gear is and why you like your particular amp.

I enjoy "old rock"...jazz...choral, and some classical.
I thought the new Arcams were just good marketing until I listened to the A85. Sweet, clean, light, and so very nice. Pick up Murray Perahia playing Bach Keyboard Concertos, or Vaughn Williams "Sea Symphony" and see if it does not move you. Or even W. Nelson's "The Great Divide" and see if his voice does not float in the room. I thnk these Arcams are one of the better deals right now. However, the Magnum Dynalab 208 is a sunset walk on a beach if you like that kinda stuff. The Mark Levinson 383 is confidence incarnate. I owned the Krell 300i for awhile and enjoyed it though I never felt it really did justice to some of my favorite classical works, but very organic nevertheless. All these were listend to with Infinity 4.1t speakers and a Sony CE775 player.
If you like the "British sound", and I do, go with the Exposure line, very, very nice stuff...for a warmer, less detailed amp, I just bought a Classic integrated made in China, that is marvelous...
I'd recommend a Unison Research Unico(new or used), which is great for jazz, and which should work well with the speakers you mentioned.
If you want tubes, I love the Cary SLI-80. It's near the top of your budget. Switchable b/w 40w and 80w. Very easy to bias and sounds great. Looks great too! I used it with a Cary CD-308 and MM deCapo i's speakers. Plenty of power and great bass. Overall an excellent amp for the money. I did sell it to try out the world of SETs but sometimes I still miss the extra power and tight bass of the Cary. I now have a Vaic 300B SE, 15w SET integrated and though the bass isn't as tight the virtues of SET's midrange sing clearly in this integrated. Imaging is superb but needs v.good cables to sound it's best. Same CD and speakers.