Amp question... Forte 4a or B&K ST140

Well, I should add that I am also considering a Bryston 3B.

First an introduction, I don't make much money so everything I buy is used, I am a ranch hand, the job has lots of benefits, just doesn't pay very well. I listen to acoustic music the most, from folk to jazz, though sometimes I "jones" for blues.

I was using an Adcom GFA-2 but it died recently, while it wasn't really all that great an amp it powered my Ohm Walsh 2's very well, picked up an Adcom 535 at a pawnshop, it sucks with my speakers, just way too bright for my ears.

I am wondering if the Forte 4a would have the power to drive the Walsh 2 speakers? They are 4ohm, 88 dB @ 2.8 Volts, so they do require a little power to drive them.

Anyone have an opinion on either of these amps? There's no way to audition them prior to sale, so I will have to live with what I buy.

I have owned both and the Forte 1a is better in every way. If it does not have replacement parts available then the equation changes. I would consider more powerful B&k amps and the Bryston amps like the 4BNRB or 3BST. Jallen
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Elizabeth, I could be wrong about this, but, I thought that the 4A unlike the 4 were truly balanced and more than a 4 with balanced inputs.
I use three BK ST-140's in my hometheater system.They have been in my system for about seven years.I have tryed many amps ie, adcom,musical fidelity,krell,forte,nad, they all did something I didn't like.It seems the BK didn't add anything at all.I want to drive my upcoming speakers (PSB MINI'S)with a more powerful amp to get a little more headroom but am afraid that these damn things have spoiled my.I even tryed newer BK and found them to be harsh.Keep in mind I cross them over at 80hz.
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