Best monoblock tube amp with Vandersteen 5A

What is the best preamp/monoblock tube amp combination with the Vandersteen 5A's? What does Vandersteen use with his personal pair? I have heard Manley (too forward), and QuickSilvers (nice). Any other suggestions? What about a preamp for under 8K???
There are a lot of good products out there, mostly with one common factor, PRICE. There are several dealers I know of, myself included that have used $10k preamps as their personal reference best. The new Belles 21-A can actually replace many $10k plus preamps as the better sounding performer. At $2495 it allows you to buy one of the best power cords on the market to get even better performance. With a pair of 150-Reference monoblocks you get power, dead neutrality with no hard emphasis, a seductive tube-like character with no coloration, and the absolute tightest and controlled bass in the business. You'll know you've got qualities that can't be touched at far more money. The bass control and depth is so good that owners of the 3A's who used a subwoofer with them are finding no need for the sub when they use the amp. It has to be heard to be believed
It's not a monoblock but try the Rogue audio Zeus. I a/b'd it against a pair of ARC VTM 200's and found the Zeus to better the ARC's in every way. The midrange on the Zeus is killer in triode mode. I use a PSE HL1 preamp and the combination of these components with the model 5's is spectacular.
Holygrail, Regarding your comment on the subwoofer, is there not an improvment in the mids and his as a result of removing low bass out of the main box, and the freeing up of the main amplifier not having to drive the bass? I thought the use of VS subwoofers went beyond just producing deeper bass.
I'm very happy driving my Vandersteen 5A's with Tenor 75wp monoblock amps. I also have to agree with Zargon- they also sound great with Audio Research gear.