Best amp for meadowlark shearwaters 1-2K

trying to decide between KREL KAV300 OR ROGUE TEMPSEST to drive my meadolark speakers. My sources are either CDs, cable TV, or computer MP3s

Any suggestions appreciated?
I had listened to the original Shearwaters on several occasions some years back at a local dealer. The different amps each time I visited were VTL ST-85's, Mesa tube integrated switched to Triode (20w), Although the room was somewhat problematic(terrible design for a demo room) Either amp drove them very nicely, even the low watt mesa.

The best sound produced by these speakers though was in another room/system and driven by a Plinius SA 100Mk11. They really sang and completely dissapeared, and still had the nice tonal balance of the tubes.
Early in my involvement in the high end game I had a 300i driving Meadowlark's Heron-i and was pleased with the results. Since that time, as I became a better listener I have moved on from Krell.

Based on other chats that I have had, I would imagine that the Rogue would be a great match to the Shearwaters