I think sometimes my words can have a little more bite to them than I intend. I am not much for BS and I try to call it as I see it. I think I remember being told I was wrong once. I don't recall exactly as I disregarded the comments.
I think this thread/string is a good example for people considering various components/opinions via the internet. Even those with a tremendous amount of experience in the hobby can offer opinions that don't entirely reflect what is so. That goes for experienced owners as well - me included. I must say that I have gotten pretty lucky with respect to equipment selection and what makes me happy. If there is any advice I can offer about selecting gear, or in this case - an amp, it's to try and spot trends of opinion from people you can discern have experience and similar tastes as yours. Would I ask Crump to recommend an amp for my use? Probably not. But he might be an ideal resource for someone else. And we're fortunate enough to have his experienced opinion. There are a few people whos opinion I consider a stone cold lock as it relates to my own perferences and tastes. And it is helpful to consider their opinions when wading through the chaff. That's my little nugget of pseudo-wisdom for the day.
Kevinkwann, you ask an interesting question. It reminds me of a conversation I had with Bobby around the time I heard about that 6th toe mod. As I recall, it was not based on rocket science but rather, "I wonder what would happen if we tried this today..." I suspect that sort of engineering accounts for much of the best gear in the industry today. I suppose it's the sort of thing that people with a passion for their product do. Whether or not it's commonplace for floorstanding speakers to have extra thick baffles the entire running length of the front, I am not certain. I don't build speakers or pretend to. I just know what I like. In any case, I am obliged to warn you of throngs of Merlin fanatics headed your way armed with slingshots and tubes. :)