Sophia Electric 845 - Any heard it?

Hello. I am intrigued by Sophia Electric's website description and picture of their 845 amplifier. Have any of you heard it? What do you think of it? Thanks
Bob, Thanks a lot for looking up the Merlin info.. I really appreciate it. It seems that they would work. However, I would think that for dynamic passages of music they might run out of steam. It doesn't seem like there would be much of a reserve for those short term peaks.
Audio buff, I am in IL. Thanks for the offer. However, I decided to buy a VAC 70/70.

I am commenting on your speakers.

I just picked up the Total Victories after living with the smaller Victories. Wow!!!. Beg borrow and steal if you have to, the Totals are that good.

I am going to try a few different tube amps, 845's, PX25's, and my present Coincident 300b amp. I think the load of the Coincident line make amp choices easier. I like female voices, so the PX25 tube might be more to my likeing. If you listen loudly, than the 845's are a great tube.

I can tell you upon first listen, the Coincident amps sound better with the KR300b BXLS's than with the Sophia 300b. Yes I have both in house. I can not comment on the new KR 845's, but I saw their new run. These things are built like tanks. No listening observations.

Good luck.