Bryston 4B-ST, Magnepan 1.6QR, suggest a preamp.

I'm resigned to the fact that my Mesa Baron Tigris integrated tube amp won't drive my Magnepan 1.6QR's to their full potential, so I'm buying a Bryston 4B-ST and need your advice on a pre-amp to match. I'd prefer tubes and could go either with or without a phono stage. I'll be using a sub, so I'd also want two pair of outputs. Suggestions?
Ag insider logo xs@2xdave43
There are a few choices out there but I'll throw an inexpensive one your way - Rogue Magnum 66 ca nbe bought as a linestage with remote or with phono (but not both) for around $750 used. I had one with a 4B-ST and it was rather nice. But if around $1500 is a possibility then Rogue's Magnum 99 is a much better offering.
A lot of people at the Maggie Users Group are using the Foreplay tube pre. It's a DIY project that's supposed to be easy. There are ones for sale here that are already assembled.
Dave43, I own the 4Bst and have mated it with four different preamps and three of them have been tube based preamps. I find that tubes are a much better compliment with the Bryston. I had a Rogue Magnum 99 that was bought new and found the sound to close to solid state and not to my liking. I then bought a Cary Slp98 and after a capacitor upgrade, this unit is down right fantastic. Its reviewed in this months Stereophile.....keep your options opened.