JM lab Electr 926 speakers good pre amp&amplifier

Hello! every one,
just bought these speakers,need to get rest of the gear debating about separates(outlaw 950/1077) or Denon recievers now 3803(for time being& upgrade later).any suggestions are appreciated.
No suggestions on the amp. But iof you don't mind, I am curious did you consider the 936 as well as the 926 and what drove your decision? Also what were the runners up in your buying decision? Reason for asking is I am considering the 926/936 myself. By the way I'll be using a McIntosh amp.
I settled for 926 because (1)it was a package deal for 5.1 system (2) the show room dint have any 936 for demo.
(and i loved 926 any way)
The 926 is a excellent speaker for the price.I used tube Conrad Johnson with mine.