Rhodium vs Gold AC connectors

Hi dear fellows.Does anybody tried these type of connectors in power cords?In my case I don`t know which could be the differences in sound performances between them.I heard that rhodium connectors have more extended hights frequences , more airy and fluid than gold connectors, but also that they can produce a non-lively sound, with too much control.Regarding Gold connectors I red that they produce a warmer sound, specially in the mids, but with not so much detail as rhodium.Is it true?I will appreciate your comments to make a proper decision.Thanks in advance!Raf
Solid Rhodium is corrosion proof. Gold plating deteriorates within time or times of using connecting/disconnecting. Solid Rhodium will always be same.
Solid Silver is the best conductor or even silver plated termination may sonically perform better than both Rhodium or silver due to the best conductivity.
Niether Rhodium or Gold-plated termination will have substantial differences in performance after all, but Rhodium will last a life time if not more.
Popular opinion is that rhodium plating is neutral to cool while gold is slightly on the warmer side.

I've installed rhodium and gold plated Furutech outlets as well as Furutech AC power cable terminations with both platings. If the described differences exist at all I find them to be quite subtle. IMO: You could go either way without discerning much difference.

While gold plating is definitely cheaper the durability issue mentioned in the previous post might be a consideration as I have had gold wear off AC plugs. In retrospect I wouldn't lose too much sleep over this issue although others may feel differently.

Another possibility to explore is unplated copper AC outlets and terminations. Opinions on these indicate an even warmer presentation than gold plating although I have no experience with them. Visions of green corrosion has prevented me from trying these although that may be an unjustifiable bias.
unplated cooper will need frequent corrosion cleaning
Rja, what is the measure units of Sound Temperature?
I'm not sure Czarivey. For sure the whole subject is extremely subjective (no pun intended). As mentioned, I don't perceive much difference between rhodium and gold.
The differences I described I attributed to the opinions of others (practicing to become a politician?).