my $686 stereo system, laugh if you want...

I have just finished establishing my $686 stereo system. Laugh if you want, but I am enjoying my tunes on my vintage system. Audio Research D-100A amp, Audio Research SP-4A pre-amp(very cool stuff) both $50 at yard sale, Mistral CD player $84 at pawn shop, ADS L710 speakers(garage sale $10) rebuilt for $200, Luxman 110 tuner, $10 at thrift shop, Mirage PS-12-180 sub woofer $300 on Audiogon, radio shack Fusion IC $12 Ebay, and Monster Cable speaker wire $20 at Best Buy. Sounds good. Sarah Brightman, Bonnie Raitt, Sarah McLaclin all sounding good.
Yes, you can go in the shallow end..the sharks can't go there. Stay there and enjoy the music with no fear or worry.

Bottomsup dont go back to 666, Dont go up to 68600 either.
Stay where you are.Enjoy the $686.
Bottomsup does Sarah Brightman makes you fall in love
with Her when you hear her with your$686. If you do.Then I will be the one kicking myself for buying expensive gear.Saluteto you my friend, just give me tip next time.
LOL, No but her rendition of Scarborough Fair makes a good "refference CD" to use whenever you buy a new(new?) piece of equipment. Song has a lot of nice features, bass, vocals, naturally that can be used as a standard for your system IMHO. PS: her Whiter Shades of Pale on same album works as #2.