Amp/Speaker Combination

Most agree amp/speaker combination is the most important. What is your opinion of which amps best match which speakers? In my case, McIntosh best matches Genesis.
If you say McIntosh is the best amp for Genesis, I have to wonder why? While your idea of a best amp for a given speaker system would make things easy for all of us (we could compile a list)..don't you think the list would be full of conflicting opinions?

Tombowlus, I have no idea on Thiels because I have never tried them.

Sogood51, It was my opinion that McIntosh was the best match with Genesis based on my limite trials. I agree resposes may be conflicting, but I think they would be informative to other Agoners.

Odyssey Stratos Extreme with Magnepan 1.6QR's. This is my combo and they sound great together. The Maggies really "arrived" using the Stratos.