Rogue 88, Marsh A400S, or Audio Research VS110?

Of the threee above with Soliloquy 6.3's thoughts of quality and performance of the three above. I now have the Rouge 88 Magnum and 99 Magnum, but want a little more "umph" especially with the bass.
I'm driving some VMPS Supertower/R SE speakers with bass flat to 25 with the Marsh. These have four 15's and two 10's handling the bass. It does it excellently. Had a Parasound HCA 3500 prior and the Marsh matches weight but has better quality. You may also be pushing that little amp farther than it wants to go. Bass takes alot of watts and a tube amp with low power will certainly be wanting. I've not neard the ARC but I'm sure it's better in the bass department also. I'm using an ARC LS 16 pre and with the Marsh amp it's wonderful. I love quality bass with the appropriate weight. Not one for "polite" bass.
I used to have the 88, 99 combo and was less than thrilled. I certainly expected better performance than I was getting. I now am using the M120's. HUGE leap. My entire system was transformed. I had no idea how poorly the 88 was sounding until I put the M120's in the line up.Looking back, I have no Idea why I went with the 88 in the first place. It must have been a cost issue. If you can audition a pair of M120's in your system, you certainly should. Transformation!!
I had the Rogue Magnum 99 and thought it had terrific bass. I also owned the 88 Magnum and went to 120 Magnum and though the main improvement was in the top end (cleaner with less artifacts) and separation. IMO the bass was comparable between the 88 and 120, driving Maggie 1.6s, with the 120s having just a little more OOMPHH.
I have a question to Philjolet:
How 88 Magnum performed with your Maggie 1.6? Do you think that new 90 Magnum would be able to drive 1.6 in triod mode or should I go for 120 Magnum?


Sorry for the delay, my power was out over the weekend due to inclimate weather.

I thought the M88 drove my Maggies nicely in triode mode. I have never understood that people thought they had more power in tetrode, they just play louder (and sound more ordinary) but without the control or sense of drive IMO. So (of course) the 90 should do a nice job as well. I will concede that tetrode mode had a lighter and maybe more open quality but not my cup of tea.

The bottom line for me though, is the search for more dynamic range with Maggies, the only time I had enough was with the Innersound ESL amp but did not especially care for the other sonic qualities of that amp. All other amps had negligable differences in that area, including the difference between the M120 and M88.

best of luck
