Comparing digital amps

Who makes digital amps and what are the thoughts on them individually? I've searched the archives and here's what I found:

PS Audio
Bel Canto
plus Panasonic and Sony

I'm looking for a summer amp because my 100 watt tube amp is just too much for our AC-less summers. I'm curious about digital amps for several reasons including that they run cool. I'm looking for a good value, but would also like to hear about the more expensive units. I'm curious about the ability to run my transport direct into the amp (but I don't this can beat an Audio Note DAC). Most of these don't appear to be available for demo nearby. Any informative comments greatly appreciated. Thanks.
I am 100% elated with my innersound esl. It puts out 300wpc into an 8ohm load, is unconditionally stable into a 1/3 ohm load, and doesn't generate any heat. I don't even turn it off. Actually, I compared it to a Krell FPB-300, and it didn't fair badly at all. It has a very warm, tube-like sound. For the money, you can't beat this amplifier (~$2500).
Check this out Budrew if you haven't read it yet.It will give you a crash course on digital amplifiers and their differences.The audio note dac is a different technology.
One more to add to your list is Acoustic Reality. They have an amp for approximately $1500, that might suit your needs. I bought the PS Audio amp, in the same price range, because it has XLR inputs and the AR doesn't. AR has some bigger more powerful amps as well, check out their website also.