Sim Audio Moon W5 vs. Bryston 4bsst

If anyone has compared these two amps I would appreciate your opinions on them.

1. Which has a smoother more musically involving sound?
2. If they were both the same price which would you buy?

Thanks alot
1. Sim Audio Moon W5. Less dry with equally solid bass and extended highs as the Bryston.

2. Sim W5 with little question.
Hi Brent,

Remember me!!! I had the Bryston 4B SST that we were thinking of trading for the Odyssey monoblocks? Well I have sold the Bryston and now have a Sim Audio Titan 5 channel amp. Much better than the Bryston. More detailed, neutral and transparent. Less harsh and grainy in the highs. IMHO definitely better than the Bryston. But then it's more expensive as well
I own a 4B-ST and W5. The W5 smokes even the 7B-ST, which I had in my system for a 1 week demo. Compared to the Brystons the W5 is much more liquid, refined, and dynamic. Additionally the W5 is much more airy than the brystons.