rowland 302 v. krell 400..VTL preamp v. BATVK51SE


I just received my rowland 302 amp and am now listening to it with the Watt Puppy 7 speakers, cary 306-200 cd player, and BAT Vk51se tube preamp.

My preliminary evaluation is that the rowland handles vocals better and is overall more musical in how it incorporates the various instruments into a cohesive song. The krell has a better bass slam. All in all, I give the Rowland the edge but the Krell is a very worth piece of equipment in its own right.

Now the question is whether the BAT VK51SE is a better fit for my Rowland, Watt puppy 7's, and cary 306-200 or whether the VTL hybrid ss/tube system would be better? Any thoughts?


p.s. thanks for all the input thus far
Your BAT preamp is not a problem. Read the stereophile review from about 3-4 months ago. They compared the 51se to the VTL. He says they are about 90% the same, BAT slightly favored...but it's a system matching thing. With your set up now, it's the source that will be the biggest change. Try a better cd player, SACD, or VINYL !
I agree with the above. I would use cables that are very neutral and not rolled off (Cardas Golden Reference or Neutral Reference would be an excellent choice) and consider changing out the front end for something else (Wadia, Sony SACD, etc).
I have to disagree with Philb7777 that you should try Transparent cables versus the Cardas as I have found the Cardas Dark sounding and will make the WP7's (which I also own) harsh. Transparent Ultra MM (or Reference with XL) will tighten up the focus of the bass considerably.

I just tried the Rowland Synergy IIi with a pair of Rowland 201's(these are low end compared to the 302) and the new rowland amps on my WP7's and these are so smooth sounding but seem a little lighter in the bass than my Lamm's. I'm buying the preamp but waiting to try the higher end Rowlands in my system. These new amps are deceiving as I think I played my music louder with the Rowlands because they are so amazing.