300B vs. KT88 SET?

Hi guys, I've heard so much ABOUT tubes that I want to try them. My speakers are very efficient, so there should be no problems with 7 watt SET amps. Unfortunateely, I can't find place to audition them so I need your help. There are number of amps available here on the Agon. Some of them based on 300B tubes and some are using KT88. Thouse that use KT88 are less expencive to buy, and so are the tubes.
But how different do they sound?
All you inputs and opinions are appreciated.
300B may be expensive, but they last much much longer than KT-88. It depends on your taste. If you like dynamic and power go for KT-88. If you want musicality and refinement go for 300B. I had 300B based system for 3 yrs then change to KT-88. After 2 short months, I decided to change back to 300B...
Ctran, thank you for the reply. Did you have to change amps or you could switch 300B for KT-88 in the same amp?
Sorry if it's a fullish question, but I'm new to this tube thing, and I do love musicality - my main music pleasures:
jazz, vocals, classical.
I can think of no amps that will allow you to interchange those tube types. They have entirely different qualities, and amps that utilize each type will have their own strengths and weaknesses subject to your own personal preferences. I have 300B SET amps in my work system, and now am using my KT88 based amps at home (contrary to what you will see in my Virtual System). For Jazz and vocals I can think of no better way to listen, to my ears, than SET. Classical is a pretty broad category. If your classical tastes lean towards more dynamic and layered orchestral music, as Ctran60 points out, KT88 based amps may offer you a fuller, more forceful presentation. 300B SET is all about air, atmosphere, refinement, soundstage, holography. Sacrafice is often in the low end, and KT88 amps will almost certainly maintain an edge there. The best way to find out which you prefer is to try to listen to good examples of both. They are so different that the experience should leave you with an unmistakable impression of each I would guess. I enjoy each one for their strengths. For most acoustic music, vocals, jazz, small ensembles, I'll take SET every time. For orchestral music, or if you like any rock or perhaps bigger jazz bands, the KT88's would bring out the most there IMHO.

Hope that helps. Most important - Yes, they are very different and distinctive - listen and use your own judgement and take what you read here with a grain of salt. I think it is a good place to get some guideance and broad generalizations, but you're the only one who knows what you really prefer.

I am now using KT88 amp, but also contemplating to move to 300B amp. Zoya, from the inputs given above, it sounds like the best thing is to own both KT88 and 300B amps. I wonder if anyone out there find it necessary to have both amps?
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