Should I upgrade my adcom 750 w/black gate caps

Has anyone heard or have owned a modded adcom 750 w/black gate caps upgrade. Is it worth the money. And how does the mod sound after a few weeks of break in compared with a regular adcom 750. Also looking in to upgrading my amp with a Parasound Halo A21. Has anyone heard this combo? Any thoughts? Any info would be great.
Are you talking about an Adcom GCD-750 or the GFP-750? If it is the GFP-750, do you use it in active or passive mode? Sean
I'm talking about the preamp. I use active mode all the time.

What would you suggest used on audiogon with $1000.00 spending cash.
I can't comment personally on the Black Gate upgrade but at the $ 1000 dollar mark very few preamps will compare w/ the GFP-750. If you can live w/o the convenience of the remote
and HT pass through, than you may want to look at the Audible Illusion M3A or if you don't have a need for vinyl their L1 preamp. For a little more green than you could pick up an older Sonic Frontiers SFL2.
Good luck...