Preamp Synergy for GamuT amp

I would like some input on a preamp that would be a good match for a GamuT D100 amp. Just got the amp here at Audiogon. It is replacing an Adcom GFA 555 II. A nice step up. As a result, I need to upgrade my preamp now.(A vicious circle) I am unable to demo a lot of these models in my area and I don't want to waste a dealer's time if I am going to buy used on the internet. If it's available new locally, I will demo and try to buy there.

Some concerns here. One is whether the balanced or the RCA inputs will make a significant difference. I would mention that at this time I have no sources with balanced out. Another is I would prefer a preamp with a built in MM/MC phono stage. Fairly rare in this day and age. I could bite the bullet and get an external phono stage if this is the best route. One other concern. I need an RCA output for the sub. So hopefully I can use the balanced out in conjunction with the RCA out.

My price range is something in the $1000 - $1500 range, new or used. Don't consider the external phono in this price.

Biggest Difference in upgrade so far:

1. Vocals and instruments natural sounding and devoid of grain I didn't know I had.
2. Depth of sound stage.

My musical taste runs to rock(classic, alternative, new wave, progressive) from the 60's, 70's, 80's, played at moderate volumes:-) Also Jazz, Classical and a varied assortment of other stuff. My music collection consists of 600+ LPs and about 200 CDs.


Preamp: Nakamichi CA 5 (Basic preamp with nice phono section)
Amp: GamuT D100
Speakers: Newform Research Module 30's (Sweet, airy)
Sub: Pinnacle Baby Boomer in parallel w/speakers(Fast and musical for it's price range)
CD Player: Music Hall CD25
Turntable: Linn LP12 with Ittok LVII/AT OC9
IC's: Mapleshade Ultrathin for amp & CD player
Speaker wire: Plain old 14 gauge OFC with Banana Plugs

I have listed below some of preamps I am considering. Please comment as to sonic character of each. If a balanced preamp is the choice, suggest some "starter" XLR cables. Feel free to suggest other preamps to consider.

Single Ended w/phono:

Odyssey Tempest
Quad 99

Single Ended w/o phono:

Marsh P2000t
Edge Si-1 M

Balanced I/O w/phono:

Classe CP 50
Jeff Rowland Consumate(used '94)

Balanced I/O w/o phono:

Adcom GFP 750
Classe CP 60
GamuT C2R
Marsh P2000b

Thanks in advance to the great group of audiogoners!
I've got a Marsh P2000b and find it to be transparent to things that change around it, so it should allow the benefits of the GamuT to shine through. It has a very refined sound without sacrificing air, space, and detail. I've heard people having problems with the P2000t, so I'd stay away from that.

I also think the GFP750 is a good choice and probably a great value used, but I had it in my system a looong time ago when my components were very different, so I can't really compare. Best of luck.
I think your Gamut might deserve a little more investment on the pre front; that is a mighty fine amplifier.
I'm in the same path, looking for a pre for my Gamut D200.
Any ideas? Thank you!
For starter cables, I would look at the SignalCable Analog 2 Balanced -- $59 with neutrik connectors.
I will go for tubes, maybe a used ModWright or Herron.
The GamuT amps are on the lean side and a bit bright.
I had a Classe CP65 with my D200, it may also work depending on the speakers... mine were Talon Raven C : the D200 had not enough power for them.