Why all these JC-1's for sale?

I don't doubt that this is a very good product and an extraordinary value, but i'm curious to understand why in the space of 1 month or so i have seen seven pairs of these jc-1's for sale here at audiogon. Could it be that these people purchased them at a discount and are selling now for a profit or is there something regarding their performance that is amiss? Could it be a coincidence? I am not familiar with these amps but have read about them. As always this forum is an opportunity for all to better understand important products that come into our passionate hobbie. Please, fire away!
Sean - the draw from the wall should be only steady-state current. If the amp is working correctly then the transients should be supplied by the internal storage capacitance. These transients are what is quite loud. I have experienced no compression at all, but I dont listen at 110 dBA either. Sometimes I do listen at live volume levels, to my wifes dismay, and the 20 amp circuit seems to be fine. I wired it with about 10 foot of 10 gauge wire from the sub-panel to the outlets. I of course use my own power cables.
Audioengr: You didn't address any of the points that i brought up. On top of that, if you're not pulling anything above the steady state draw that the amp produces at idle, you're listening to elevator music and / or have very high efficiency and / or high impedance speakers. Other than that, the only way that you can lower heat dissipation is to lower the bias of the unit OR to replace all of the output devices with matched units that have been run on a curve tracer. Given that the latter is not real probable, the former is the only possible answer that i'm aware of. Sean
Easy to explain; Great product,big new amp(was),hot hot reviews and lots of all kinds of I want to be a audiophile, well maybe buy a Harley insted after amp just does'nt thrill anymore. Fickel restless americans we lot !! It's great to pick up on this great hardly used gear thou is'nt it ? Save big bucks so you can have some cash left over for an RV and a deep sea diving bell.
Just some observations...

I noticed as of today, there is only 1 Pair of JC-1's for sale here @ 'Gon.

So, what about the hundreds and hundreds of completely satisfied owners such as myself? (Maybe we're just too busy enjoying them to read these posts, and respond... ;)

Anyone even contemplating a purchase of the JC-1's, would be doing themself a great injustice if they didn't at least audition a "completely broken-in" pair, in his or her own system.

I conducted an extensive (over 4 mos.), side-by-side audition, comparison, shoot-out with the highly lauded Antique Sound Labs "Hurricanes". Well, I guess you know which mono blocks won in MY system. Don't get me wrong the 'Canes are also fantastic amps, but the JC-1's continued to consistanty sound more "musical", relaxed, and refined. And this was confirmed by a parade of audiophile and non-audiophile friends, alike, who graced my sound room over that time.

Also auditioned within a few weeks (but not simultaneously with the JC-1's) was a Spectron Musician II and a LLano Trinity 300.

I suspect anyone disappointed with the sound simply didn't let them break in long enough. Yes, the break-in time borders on the absurd (over 400 freakin' hrs. in my system!) but once they are fully "settled", they are easily one of the great amps currenlty available in the market, and yes, at any price.