Anyone compare Conrad Premier to Rogue?

I currently have a Rogue 88/66 Magnum combo powering my MartinLogan Aeons. Getting into tubes has been a revelation, and now I am considering taking a plunge into a Conrad Johnson Premier 17/140 combo. Unfortunately, my only Conrad dealer doesn't stock either, so I can't compare them to my Rogue setup. With the Rogue, sometimes to get a sense of dynamic swing, especially with DVD concert movies, I need to turn up the volume quite loud, and that drives my husband nuts. I thought the additional power of the Conrad might help in that regard. I've also heard Conrad has better bass, but I have no benchmark to compare it to. Any feedback appreciated.
Is there any way you could home audtion both and decide for yourself which one to upgrade to first? The reason I say this is because you are now asking a question that is very much a system specific one.
Comparing these 2 amps AIN'T system specific. One is clearly just a better amp---period.(After all they are BOTH TUBES)You may need good ancillary gear to go with; to hear how good one is over the other.(I'll bet a fairly simple system will reveal the differences as well.)
Ahh, you missed my point Avguygeorge, my fault. I was trying to address the second-reponse question Arafel had as to which component to upgrade first, and like a dummy I didn't fully absorb Arafel's situation in his first of the no home-audition 140 option. The "system dependence" factor I was trying to get at was whether to start with the pre or the amp first because it seemed Arafel could not purchase both simultaneously. I agree with you that the cj 140 is superior to the Rogue 88 amp and that this conclusion isn't system dependent.

My suggestion is that 1) if you're headed toward cj nirvana anyway, why not demo the 17LS first and see of this makes a difference. If you appreciate and like the difference, buy that and then when you have $$$$, purchase the 140. That will put the final(?) icing on the cake so to speak.
Regarding pre-amp versus amp upgrade first, my recent experience was going from a CJ PV12L / CJ MF200 to a CJ Premier 16ls2 /Premier 140. I upgraded the pre-amp first to a prem 16ls2 still using the MF 200, then upgraded the amp to the premier 140. The biggest overall change was upgrading the pre-amp. that is I noticed an overall much larger positive difference going from the pv12-mf200 to prem16ls2-mf200 than from prem16ls2-mf200 to prem16ls2-premier140. Don't get me wrong, i still noticed a big diff from the mf200 to Prem 140 amp upgrade, just not the overall same scale. Hmmm....wonder why this is....