What affordable amp should go w/ magnepan 1.6?

I am a real novice here guys. My situation is this, I am building a stereo system from the ground up, wich pretty much means I have nothing except the magnepan 1.6's. I am trying 2 figure out what I should use 2 drive them. I would like 2 stay under 1500(is that realistic?)and I am not interested in home theatre(possibly a sub later). I am very new 2 this so any and all info(cables,other components complimentary 2 the magnepans) would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.
Bryston 4B-ST can be found here for easily under your $1500 target. Matched up to am decent preamp (I've had great luck matching Bryston amps to tube preamps)it will be a super amp for the Maggies.
The 1.6's are power hungry(clean power that is!) I used an Adcom 5802 which was 300wpc that I got used for around $700. They drove the 1.6's with ease too. I moved up to the 3.6's and upgraded to the Spectron Musician II. Now that was a major improvement in clean power...........
I don't own the 1.6's, but if memory serves correct, someone here on Audiogon mentioned using either a McCormack DNA 0.5 or a 1.0. I used to have a DNA 0.5, they're pretty hard to beat at the used prices here on Audiogon.
Like Zenieth, to drive MG1.6 I used an Adcom amp, a 5503, 350 wpc at 4 ohms. It was better than a 100wpc Adcom.
I recently changed to CarverPro ZR1600 digital amp rated at 600 wpc into 4 ohms. The CarverPro amp costs only $840 or so via internet. I repeat what many others have said, this amp is super with Maggies. It does use a fan, so you might want to retrofit an available very quiet fan, or disconnect the fan entirely (which is OK for the home audio application).
I really appreciate all this info guys! I have seen a NAD c-270/c-160 amp&preamp combo on here do you think that would a good match?