Dartzeel NHB-108

Has anyone heard this Swiss amp? If so, I'd appreciate any comments or thoughts. Thanks!
Gladstone, since you are SO sincere ;-) in your unabashed praise of this amp you have never heard, and since I ALWAYS do whatever the mags or dealers tell me to do, I am going to rush right out and buy one of them thar Dart Zeals! Ya wanna buy these junky Tenor pieces-o-crap? You can use em in yer office system!!

Whaddya think about those "White Van" speakers to go with it?
FMPND--I believe you're confusing cautious approbation with an outright endorsement. I never said that I had listened to the Dartzeel (though I have--admittedly not under optimal circumstances--and found it stunning in its smoothness and 3-D lifelike qualities while driving a pair of Kharmas). Nor did I make any invidious comparisons with other amps. I simply stated that it is in the upper echelon. If you will consult the Marks review, it would be hard to believe that Hooper would be mistaken to audition the Dartzeel.
LOL!! You da man Gladstone! "May I have the envelope please"

And the award goes to . . . .

PS - I think Hooper would be fool not to audition the Dartzeel. Now QUINT on the other hand . . .
FMPND--I think you're being too quick to dismiss the Dartzeel, but I'm glad that I've managed to supply you with some merriment.
But I must confess one thing: you were right about the merits of a certain Japanese shark versus a South American humming bird.