Suggestions on SS/Mono Amps for woofer towers

Looking for suggestions on (inexpensive)the best bang for the buck.. ss/mono amps to drive my 4 ohm Infinity RS1B woofer towers..
Someone has suggested ATI 1502's as the best bang for the buck?? Plenty of clean tight power.

What do you think??
There was a similar thread that asked the same question. The RS1B owner actually wound up with an old Perreaux amp, vintage 1980s....It supposedly gave slamm that nothing else ever could. I forgot the model. The thread is this past month's. Look for it.

PS: the amp seem to come up used very rarely...for its age and also because it seems to be in very high demand.
thanx for everyone's input on he amps...I have a friend who is going to lend me his ATI 1502's which I will run in mono.

They will put out a wopping 800w at 4ohm compaired to my Denons at 500w ,which are creating line noise..only found this out after all these years by borrowing a friends (line noise sniffer)
I have a pair of Kenwood L-07's purchased on eBay a couple of years ago. You see them pretty often for around $350-450 per pair. I worked for Pacific Stereo back in the late '70s and they were generally our favorite amps for the larger Infinity speakers - no problem with the low impedance. You could consider biamping each speaker later by adding another pair of amps. That would be awesome.
For the money - Carver-Pro ZR1600 - probably 1000W per channel into your speakers and very tight bass. Just over $1K new and mods are around $1500. Nothing comes close as this price.