Best Budget Preamp, whats out there?

For a McCormack DNA .5 amp and a Njoe Tjoeb tube output cd player what would be a good pre amp match. I was considering the upgraded DIY Foreplay amp. It is a 300+ with upgrades tube preamp. For a few hundred dollars what is out there?

Eric Baer
I'd second the audible illusions suggestions. I picked up a mint 2D for $400. The 2 series has a very good phone stage. If you don't need a phono stage, then look for a L-1 as mattybumpkin suggests. If you prefer a warmer, thicker, more romantic sound, you should be able to find an older conrad johnson pre in your price range as well. Have fun.
I agree with the Audible Illusions suggestion. Used, they are a steal. Why this preamp has seemed to lose its appeal is beyond me. I still consider them one of the best at any price. I currently use an L-2.
The tubes balance out the sound of the McCormack nicely. These two form a real synergy. I used a pair of .5's in a biamp for years w/ the AI.
I don't know what the deal is with the fellow knocking the Adcom preamp but I found the 750 to be excellent(especially in passive mode. A little less so in the active mode) It is very similiar to the Aleph L. Both were Pass designs and the 750 was based on this very preamp.
It and the McCormack TLC-1 sound very similiar in the passive mode.
I have used all three of these preamps extensively and my favorite was the AI. It added a little warmth to the McCormack while at the same time remaining in the neutral camp.
I would say it is a toss up between the other two.
One other you might want to look at is the Placette passive preamp. It is one fine piece. If transparency is for you then this is it.
None of the passives will sound as dynamic as an active linestage(except maybe the Placette.) I never could decide if this is real or a byproduct of level matching or synergy with certain components. The Placette exibits less of this. At matched levels, it sounds just as dynamic on most material.
I tried a couple of CJ's and never did like their sound. They have a litle too much of the tube thing going on in my opinion.
Thank you, Bigtee.I agree with your findings 100%.I am glad other people are also willing to give the Adcom GFP-750 its due besides me!
My next goal is to find a used Audible Illusions L-2 line-stage.I have heard alot of great things about it also!
If you are willing to go all passive, Iamcrazy111, I would highly recommend the Placette Passive or the Bent Audio NOH,
Another suggestion: If you are interested in a DIRT CHEAP active preamp, that sounds really good, I'd go with a used Parasound P/LD-1100, P/HP-850, or an Adcom GFP-565 preamp.
Cheap and good sounding!
Daltonlanny, In the years that I have try to contribute to this sight, I have to say this is pretty much a first! Two guys agreeing on something.
Your suggestion of the 565 is good for a bottom basement unit. It's sins are of omission. It may not be the most transparent preamp out there but it doesn't do any nasties to the music.
The L-2 will be worth your wait and search. Unfortunately, I don't think a lot are on the market yet. It is an awfully good preamp and I think it has a little more dynamics than AI's previous offering and is better at the extremes. It also does loud better. Art is offering cryo'd tubes for it. I'm currently evaluating a pair. So far, well, I just don't know yet.