Cheap reliable 100 wpc tube amps

I have seen a few good deals on some cheap older model tubes amps from Counterpoint, ARC, etc., under $750. Are these worth the effort just to get strated into tubes or should I wait and buy a tube amp in the under $2K price range like BAT, ARC, CJ, Quicks, etc.?

Thanks and Happy Listening.
I used to have the Sonic Frontiers Power 2, excellent sound quality and built to high standards, cannot be beat for around 2K range. The sub 1K power amps, I wonder whether they will keep up with the sonic signature of the newer amps. Some offerings by VAC also might be a good buy, around 1k+.....The Rogue offerings might also be tempting. If I had 1k to spend, I would save some more and get one of the amps I stated. The problem with older models might be the caps and other items that might need replacement, if I am not mistaken.
I wouldn't wait. If you are careful in your selection you will have no difficulty in reselling it later if and when you decide to upgrade. For example, I'm still using in a 2nd system a Sonic Frontiers SFS 80 I bought 10 years ago - you can buy these on AG for less than $1000. They are built like a tank, easy to use, and with the right tubes are very tuneful, and a bargain compared to what you get for the same money new. There are other brands as well.........
Be careful about a couple of items when buying older tube amps of this power:
1-hum can be a real problem. Older caps will go
2-Make sure they can handle the impedance of your speakers? Some older amps won't go for less than 8ohms.
3-check out what kind of tubes are in them or that they need. Good KT-88's can set you back a bundle if you have to retube. If the sellor doesn't have a tube tester and can't give values, I usually figure that it will need retubed sooner than later.
4-A lot of people pay extra for the name, ie MacIntosh. Don't let that sway you too much. A newer Rogue or Quicksilver may work better in the long run.