Calling B&W speaker users with tube power amp


Am currently using a B&W Matrix 803 series 2 speakers, driving it with a solid state power and tube pre. Am actually preferring tube sounds. Therefore, am toying with the idea of getting a tube power to replace the ss. Big question in mind is whether tube power amp is able to drive the speakers.

Could anyone who is using B&W speakers driven by tube power amp share experiences pls? pls also inform what brand/watt of the tube power amp used.

It really depends on how much demand you plan on putting the amps/If you listen at modest sound levels ,you'll have no problem.But if you tend to listen at higher levels you'll place more demands on the amps and may need more for that situation.Depends on you needs.
As I mentioned, I'd previously used a Sugden Au51P with my 804's, and also a SimAudio 4070 - a 60 wpc SS amp. The tubes were better than either in terms of vocal quality, soundstaging, treble smoothness, bass extension and overall realism.
I'm using CJ Premier 12's (140w) to drive my B&W N803's. Best combo I've had with the N803's. Completely effortless and musical.
From my experience and that of a few others who have used the BAT VK-60,I recommend getting them mono'd or using another amp.They don't sound like they have the power you would think.Why,I don't know.If you are set on the VK60,arrange an audition first-just a word to the wise!