07-15-15: Ctsooner
Gear, I fully understand. I don't go to shows, or at least I haven't in ages and if I do, it will be to see friends rather than evaluate gear. Would be fun though I'm sure. I agree that I would need to hear in my own system. That's more than fair. When I mention sounding digital, it basically means that I haven't totally relaxed and given into the music. I will say that with all the high rez stuff I've been listening to, it's much much closer and it does so many great things that vinyl can't do. That's a big reason I spent the money on digital a year or so earlier than I thought I was going to. I'm looking just as forward to the new gear as the rest of you. I was told about a couple of pieces that can't be mentioned yet that I can't wait to hear (other than the Ayre gear I mentioned). It's an exciting time and this thread shows that.
Ctsoooner, I share you r sonic bias. My primary source material is digital, but I am not generally a fan of the medium and find vinyl/tape better. The Lampi has gotten more closer but there is still more to learn in terms of optimizing things. My superb sound was recently upended by a firmware update in my Aries (I think). That shows you the potential degree of fickleness of digital. It rivals anything in analog. I think mechanical and electrical grounding schemes, power conditioner, and transports can all alter your performance notably. Its annoying TBH....