Powering Sonus Farber's Guaneri Homage speakers

I am in the process of relocating back to the us; with speakers; without amp.
I have looked into five possibilities:
A C-J MV-60
A Pathos Lagos
A Pathos TT
A Mac 2275
A Mac MA 6900

The last was eliminated after a listening comparison with their 275; with B&W's. The 'percision' of the 6900 left me cold compared to the 'warmth' of the 275.

I plan to audition the 2275 with my speakers; it is not likely I will get to test them against the others.

I had a nice 'sound stage area' set up in my Tokyo home; off a good size LR/DR area.
My home in NH has an end room that is about 10' deep by 22', that opens up to a larger room. My Japan setup was similar in size but there was far fewer pieces of furniture in the big room.
I do believe that it will work well with the right amp.

I'm interested in any experience with these possible pairings.
Thanks in advance.
I would suggest a Pass Aleph 5 Class A amp. It will do very well with your Sonus speakers!
I have Extremas and EA1. at home, I ffed them from a pair of rowland model 7 mono amps conservetivly rated at 350w@8ohm. either pair will take all the power I can feed them.
Usually i don`t like to suggest equipment but i would feel bad if i don`t bring to your attention the new Pathos Classic. In my system i took the place of Audio Research separates and it drove Sonus Faber Signums, Dynaudio Special 25, Magnepan 1.6, Totem Forest and now De Capos and in every case was the same: Trasparent, finesse and body(i sold my rel stratta when i put the Classic in my system) . I think Sam Tellig was right when he compared the Classic to 20,000 dollars amplifiers. Don`t be fooled by the low price and the nice look, it sounds like a SET with balls.