Powering Sonus Farber's Guaneri Homage speakers

I am in the process of relocating back to the us; with speakers; without amp.
I have looked into five possibilities:
A C-J MV-60
A Pathos Lagos
A Pathos TT
A Mac 2275
A Mac MA 6900

The last was eliminated after a listening comparison with their 275; with B&W's. The 'percision' of the 6900 left me cold compared to the 'warmth' of the 275.

I plan to audition the 2275 with my speakers; it is not likely I will get to test them against the others.

I had a nice 'sound stage area' set up in my Tokyo home; off a good size LR/DR area.
My home in NH has an end room that is about 10' deep by 22', that opens up to a larger room. My Japan setup was similar in size but there was far fewer pieces of furniture in the big room.
I do believe that it will work well with the right amp.

I'm interested in any experience with these possible pairings.
Thanks in advance.
I am now running my Guarneri with a McIntosh MC2102 amp and a McIntosh C2200 preamp and the combination is super. Very sweet and detailed and fatigue free. Other amps I auditioned yielded better things immediately but with extended listening the Mac won out.
only one amp - the one used by SF in their reference room - the Berning ZH270. MyGuarnerui's SING with this amp!
well, there are others of course - I also had nice sound with VTL's and Atma-Sohere, and decent sound with ARC VT100 MKIII, and know other have had nice sound with Joule Electra, Manley and Cary. But, the Berning had a special way about it with this speaker, i bought it on awhim, and wont look back! nice to know there are two compnenents that I wont be looking to upgrade from (Berning and Guarneris).....