Completely restructuring my modest system..

I want to go from 5.1 to two channel by selling most of my gear and putting the money back into a better sounding two channel system.

I currently have:

HT Receiver: NAD T752

B&W 602 S3
B&W 600 S3
B&W ASW 650 sub
matching center...

I figure I'll have somewhere around $2500 if I sell it all. That's just a ballpark, but I'm not necessarily interested in selling all my gear. I just want to restructure in a way that's going to give me the most pleasing two channel possible.

I'm open to suggestions as long as I don't have to shell out much money. If I can save money, that'd be great, too.

All suggestions are appreciated.

Moderators, if I've posted this in the wrong forum, please feel free to move this thread.

For speakers, I haven't heard anything but raves about the Green Mountain Europas, so I'm considering them as a starting point.
Depending if you want a floor stand or monitor. If a monitor I would go with something like a used Green Mountain Europa (Great monitor that punches well above it's price) $600.00 . You can get some decent stands around $150 to $200 if you look hard. For a preamp maybe a used Eastern Electric Mini Max (giant killer among tube preamps)for $750.00.This has you up to $1550.00 on the high side.For amps.. a pair of used Monarchy Audio Class A SM70 wpc monoblocks for $750.00. to $800.00 tops.Ok we're at $2350.00.Put another $100.00 with whats left and pick up a Scott Nixon Dac. Keep the NAD DVD/CD player and use it as a transport. You won't lose any money on this combo and it will sell for roughly what you have in it if needed.

If a floorstander checkout the Soliloquy 5.3s new for $900.These speakers are very smooth but have great detail.Their very efficient and dip down to around 30 hz. All of this will also depend on the room you have to work with as well.Another speaker to look at is the MMGs for $550.00 new from Magnepan with a 60 day money back policy.You would be looking at maybe $50.00 for shipping.So your back to $600.00 for speakers.This will leave an extra $350.00 after buying the Minimax and SM70s monoblocks. You could get the Dac and still have $100.00 left over.

Just Thinking! Good Luck!
Thanks for the recommendations. I am curious about tubes, and I think I might be more comfortable going tubed one componenent at a time - probably the pre-amp. Any other amp suggestions for the GME? I doubt I have room for the Maggy's, though they look great.
I'm all for separates, more than most people for sure, but with your budget, you'll most likely get better sound with an integrated amp. Maybe a tube one...ask Roy at Green Mountain about what he likes as a mate for speakers. He seems like a really nice guy.

(I also thought "Magnepan" when I first read this thread)
Hey Dubzilla the Monarchys are solid state amplifiers.Also you may want to checkout the new Panasonic SA XR 50/70 from $250.00 to $350.00. The 70 model isn't out yet. Then all you will need is your cd player.
If you go with separates the Mini Max for a preamp will be hard to beat. There are some guys with mega buck systems replacing their preamps with this thing.I know of a dealer that replaced his multi kilobuck Conrad Johnson with this little preamp. Yes it is that good..simple and to the point.

Mini Max will be releasing a new tube integrate in the future. I think it's suppose to be 35 wpc. Also a 70 wpc tube amplifier is in the works from what I've been told.If they are anything like the Mini Max they will be big hits.
There's plenty of guys on this site using Europas ..hopefully they will give you some advice.