Because this thread is still running, I thought I would jump in with my two-cents worth.
If you want tube-like performance from solid state, try these:
1. Theta Dreadnaught II
2. McIntosh MC402/MC352
3. Ayre V5x
4. Sunfire Signature with tubed preamp
5. Jeff Rowland Design's earlier models
5. Conrad-Johnson 2500A
6. Mark Levinson 400 Series
If you want tube-like performance from solid state, try these:
1. Theta Dreadnaught II
2. McIntosh MC402/MC352
3. Ayre V5x
4. Sunfire Signature with tubed preamp
5. Jeff Rowland Design's earlier models
5. Conrad-Johnson 2500A
6. Mark Levinson 400 Series