$4000 to spend on a SS power amp - help me choose

Audiomeca Mephisto II CD Player
Emotive Audio Sira preamp
VMPS Super Tower R / SRE (ribbon tweets; ribbon mid panel)
Acoustic Zen cables everywhere

I own a Graaf GM 200 OTL as my first amp; the SS will be
a back-up or possibly drive the bass in a bi-amp situation w/
the Graaf & a VMPS active crossover.
Because this thread is still running, I thought I would jump in with my two-cents worth.

If you want tube-like performance from solid state, try these:

1. Theta Dreadnaught II
2. McIntosh MC402/MC352
3. Ayre V5x
4. Sunfire Signature with tubed preamp
5. Jeff Rowland Design's earlier models
5. Conrad-Johnson 2500A
6. Mark Levinson 400 Series
Jeff Rowland 201's.

They are so good that I was ok with replacing my Kora Cosmos Reference Monos that out out 100 watts Class A Triode from each amp.

The Rowlands are quite as good in the midrange as a very good tube amp, but it smokes 'em in the extremes.

Find a way to audition a pair...I doubt they will go back.

I will third the Sunfire 600 -- Two. Heard that amp recently once more against the McIntosh MC402 and found the Sunfire the much more accurate, transparent, detailed, and open of the two while still sounding very musical.