Best Integrated for Audio Physic Virgo III?

I am looking at getting a used integrated amp ($1500 range) for my Virgo III. Looking for a smallish amp if possible. Any thoughts on the following?

Plinius 8200mkII
Plinius 9100
YBA integrated DT

I am leaning toward the 9100 but have not heard much about it. I will be taking it to EU so smaller is better and I will need to be able to change the voltage.
Owned the YBA for 7 years. Absolutely loved it. Still think it's of the best SS 50 watts out there. If YBA hadn't come out with the Passion, I'd probably, still have my Integre. peace,warren
I have known a dealer who said that the Densen B100 works really well with the virgos. It's European so no problem with the voltage, and can be bought in the US from

I run a Densen with SPica speakers and the imaging is great, with a very smooth top end.
I have one vote for the Musical Fidelity A308. I would take that over all the others listed in my opinion. I've heard it with the Virgo III's and thought it sounded great.
I have a full YBA 3 setup including the amp for sale. They are all brand new in the box. Let me know if interested. I will make you a great deal on this. I have the following to sell (all new in box except for the Viva) and willing to sell them new for less than 50% new retail price which is listed:

YBA 3a Cd Player $3,400.00
Yba 3a DT Amp $2,400.00
YBA 3a Preamp $1,850.00
Art Audio VP1 with phono stage gold and crhrome $2,750.00
Custom Power Company 10 ft T G Special Ver. 2 3 of them 1250 each $3,750.00
CPC Top Gun Spec. V.2 8ft 2 of them 1200 each $2,400.00
CPC TG V.2 4ft $ 950.00
Viva Linea Preamp Trade in Charcoal and Black $9,000.00
Call me or e-mail me if interested:
Rick Eller
916 681-8563