SET amps with cajones and finesse

I am considering trying out an SET amp(s) for my Talon Raven speakers. They are 90db efficient and my current 150 watt ss amp is more than enough to drive them to deafening levels. Any suggestions for SET amps to perhaps add some soul without losing the swagger? I have been advised that ample power supply is the key. Thanks MM
Atma-Sphere S-30 or M-60

These OTL designs like high impedance speakers. If necessary, you can raise the impedance of your speaker by using ZERO autoformers.
DeHavilland makes a nice 50-watt SET using a big Russian transmitter tube. They (and a number of other manufacturers) also make amps using the 845 tube, which is about half as powerful.

Wavac makes SET's up to 150 watts, but they don't exactly give 'em away.

If you don't have a DeHavilland dealer nearby, suggest you contact Brian Rovinsky of St. Cecilia Sound in Florida. Great guy.
I would echo the idea for an 845 based SET. They will give good power levels but still retain the SET architecture with a single output triode per channel. This is important(IMO) for the coherence that SETs are known for.

The WAVAC would be an excellent choice(IMO), but they are pretty expensive(but very good). The Antique Sound Labs AQ-1009 is an 845 SET that is highly regarded in reviews and doesn't cost nearly as much money.

A 90db efficient speaker should be able to produce peaks of 105db with 32 watts at 1 meter(not including room reinforcement effects).
Good call, Wellfed! I was still thinking "inside the box" when I typed out my response above - hadn't seen your post at the time.

Yes I have a pair of Zeros for my M-60's, and with especially difficult speakers they make a very substantial improvement.

Just for the record, Atma-Sphere amps are not single-ended triodes, though they often compete against 'em. They use two back-to-back output transformerless class-A biased triode amplifier sections operating in a true balanced configuration. Disclaimer - I peddle 'em.

My limited experience with Talon speakers suggests that the Zero autoformers would be needed if you wanted to use the Atma-Sphere M60's, as the Talons are likely to be a difficult load (judging from the struggles of a well-regarded conventional tube amp to drive a pair of Khorus X's).

With the Zeros, a pair of M-60's would definitely be competition for a good high-power SET. I couldn't reliably speculate on which would work best with the Ravens.