Anyone using an SA-102 on a tough load?


I am curious whether the SA-102 can stand up to a really tough load. My Piegas are like 85db, and dip below 3 ohms. The SA-102 is supposed to be a beast, but the fact remains that it's still only 125 watts into 8. And not even rated into 4.

So what's the verdict?


I tried a SA 100 MK3 with my Shahinian Diapasons. The Shahinians are rated at 800 watts and dip to 1 ohm. My ears gave out before the Plinius did. It can really blast. It seemed more powerful than my 380/channel class b amp. I think the 102 has more power than the 100.
I can't go 250. The 102 puts out 25% the HEAT of the 250, and I have a small room. Ouch!

Good to know that it can manhandle the Shahinians. . .Thanks. . .
Ok,so that's the winter amp. You're looking for the summer amp. I'll be my little Eagle 4 (runs cool) could do some damage in that situation. (below 3 ohms)