Does anyone have compared this two amplifiers? Which one is better? Can both of them drive the speakers BW Nautilus series? Thanks for your time.
75W & 100W probably not much difference in power. I have S805s and there was only marginal differences betw. 300W (bryston), 150 W (pass), 100W (ARC VS110). I have a bookshelf with medium sized room so floorstanders 803 and up are different. It more important to choose the timbre you like. Bat is darker & sweeter, ARC perhaps more neutral. ARC still blooms more than Pass. Pass is a very natural sounding SS. Much better IMHO than Bryston.
I have compared two VK-60s running mono with the VT-200. The speakers driven were Dunlavy SC-4a which are large, but 91db and as I recall, my old 801 matrix 11 speakers were in the high 80s. Many of my fellow audio club members also listened and chose. Most, but no all preferred the BAT VK-60s. I can tell you having long experience with both, that the ARC equipment is more reliable and not as much a challenge to manage finding quiet 6SN7 tubes. There is also the option of rolling 6550 power tubes or even KT88s. My opinion is that the ARC sounds more neutral and the BATS have a more classic tube personality. If you chose 801s as your speaker, neither the VK-100 or the VK75SE would provide enough muscle to get all you could from your speakers.
Have got the VK-75Se and the VT-200 on hand for extensive time to try out.
the VK-75Se is way better on all parameters compared to the VT-200.
75Se has more top end opennes, clarity, smoothness, emotional involvement, imaging, detail you name it.
The VT-200 sounds bit gross and veiling .
Not that the VT-200 does anything 'bad', but the moment you hook up the BAT it's set and done, it's that obvious.
front end VK-51Se / VK-P10SE.

Second VK-75SE will be my next purchase.

regards tuboo