audio research sp-10

hi..i'm fairly new to tubes. i have an AR sp-10 pre, AR d-125 amp, vandersteen 2ci speakers, and a shanling t-100 cd player. running the cd player on the tube output of the shanling. my music tastes run the gamut from synthpop/ sarah mclachlin, and josh groban. the system seems just a tad bright to me, which it seems it shouldn't with all the tubes i'm using. i've put the sp-10 on "high gain" which seems to it "bad" to use the high gain on a regular basis? speakers are biwired..but with no name wires..any suggestions for compatable speaker wires and or interconnects (using legend interconnects right now) or any other suggestions would be appreciated. thanks in advance :)
thanks so much both of am so a newbie..i actually had to look to see what tubes are in the preamp. (my ex bought this whole system for me as a gift) they say ars 6922 E88. would ars mean they are the original tubes ?? i can't move the amp to see what tubes are in there, but i remember the guy my ex bought it from saying something about lots of 6550s and 12ax7s (is that right? geez i'm embarassed.) i haven't used the phono stage yet...wondering now if i might want to switch the tubes from that side to the ls?? newbie..the shanling could be it broke in it did get brighter which i thought was quite odd. i do have a marantz 65 se i could try that as an alternative. as for the speaker placement..i'm working on that. the room is 13' by 9.75 and the speakers are now placed 4.5 ft from the back wall and 24 in from the side toe in...ummm errrr..what are the "first reflection points? nope, haven't listened to neutral systems.. i really have no clue what it "should" sound like. jafox, why is the sp-10 "bad" for cd playing? argh...why don't they tell us this stuff in the rave reviews?? i had the arc ls2 here before the sp-10. nothing bright about it but no "magic" either and very little soundstage as opposed to the sp-10 where i finally heard in person what i had heard audiophiles talk about..every breath..every pluck of the guitar...and i could "see" where all the instruments what an experience.!! thanks so much for your advice..both of u...i sooo appreciate it!! (and obviously i need!!!)
The low gain of a line stage is usually for low volume listening or if you have a super high gain power amp. I think some people in old days needed it when taping. The high gain should be the "normal" setting. If you care to retube your SP10 power supply's tube and transistor, I was told by true sound in bay area, it will rivial today's new top preamp even in resolution. A classic preamp.
Where to start :-). 1st, relax about what jafox said - he was addressing the comment to someone with very high level expectations in an advanced system/setup. That SP10 is a far better pre-amp than many new ones sold today and the phono stage is still world class.

You have good ears...if you can tell the difference between the high and low gain stages. My compliments. The low gain stage should be slighly (!) less transparent, you are putting an attenuator in the signal path of the source (Shanling in this case). ARS is the name of the tube retailer, it is not the name of the manufacturer. You will have to gently pull one of the tubes from its socket - you will then find on the tube the manufacturer's name.

Before you start doing a micro exam of tubes etc, I would suggest that you make sure that your speakers are set up to their best advantage - to do that you must have an understanding of their radiation pattern - some speakers are meant to be pointed straight ahead - to listen to them pointed at your listening position will make them sound very aggressive and bright. Such speakers have a wide radiation pattern and will bounce sound off the wall (ceiling & floors) which you refer to as the 1st reflection points - these points must be deadened or the reflected sound will hit your ears mili seconds after the direct sound from the speaker - this will increase the apparent amplitude of the highs and muddy up the direct signal. Since you are dealing with high frequency signals you can usually deaden this area by using heavy wall hangings, book cases, etc - most anything that absorbs sound. As a temporary test, just hang some heavy wool blankets on the walls adjacent to and slightly ahead of your speakers. Also make sure that you have some type of deadening materiel on the floor (carpet/rugs). I have also had a lot of success in small rooms crossing these types of speakers so that the axis' cross well in front of you, at about the same relative angle to your listening position as they are when pointed straight ahead.

Once you have done that, then I would suggest that you become very logical in your approach to solving your problem. I would start with the CDP (which I suspect may really be the problem). Listen to other sources, the better the quality, the better the test. Listen to the Shanling in some ones else system if your can and see how it compares. If you rule out the Shanling as being a problem then you can go to the next step - FWIW, this pre-amp is not euphonic but it is not(!) inherrently bright. Its like an old Ferrari - its still very capable of very high performance if set up and maintained properly but its not one that you would want to just drive about town and to the grocery store.......Hope this helps and feel free to ask more questions, we all want to help.
Bluefin, FWIW, contrary to your common misconception, the high/low setting switch on the SP10 does NOT attenuate the gain from the line stage as seen by the amp, it reduces the gain from the source(s) as seen by the line stage amp by 12db. In the SP10 the line stage gain remains 26db whether the switch is in its high or low setting. This is not typical of many pre amps which do allow attenuation of the preamp gain itself. And as an aside, personally, I would not want an attenuator between my line stage and my amp, semi purist that I am! :-)
omg i'm such a searched ARS tubes on google...apparently military tubes?? are they any good? i have sooooooo much to learn..speaking of which..what's the bypass switch for on the sp-10? thanks in advance for your patience :)