Matching an amp to speakers for beginners?

I've been unhappy with the sound I've heard out of all the store bought systems, so I'm looking into higher end stuff. I've been spending the past couple weeks browsing around here and other places on and off to try to figure out what I can pick up that I would be more satisfied with.

Originally, I just wanted to pick up some better speakers and hook them up to my Yamaha receiver, but I've since been convinced that if I get nice speakers they will be wasted if I use my receiver. So now I'm looking for an amp.

After reading a bit, I've realized that all this stuff is a lot more complicated than I originally thought it would be. I'm hoping someone here can help me out with some basic information.

Assuming I pick up some nice speakers, what do I look for when trying to find an amp to run them off of? I'd prefer an integrated amp just for less complexity. Can someone help me out with someone basic guidelines when looking at the speaker and amp's specs what I should be looking for?

Thanks for any help you can provide.

Ok I will be the first to take the plung. (Pete be warned mentioning the following speakers in certain circles is taboo)

For floor standers I would go one of two routes first a used pair of B&W CDM9NT's ($2600.00 new, they are discontinued) with an execelent pair of speaker cables. I think they are capable of giving you what you are looking for at a modest price. For your room size they are not a large floor stander and provide good imaging for the front on HT from various sitting positions. They are execelent in the highs and mids when mated with the right electronics. They only have 6" base drivers so the punch of the sub base is somewhat lacking. They are very detailed and netural in other words what you put in is what you will get out. Some would say they are a little forward in the mids.

The second is the B&W Nautilus 803 ($5000.00 new) The only thing I can say is give them a listen. My experience is limited to B&W, DynAudio and Sonus Faber.
Thanks for the suggestions. I actually did call Klaus today and he was very informative and helpful. He has given me something serious to think about, especially with the full money back guarantee.
The McIntosh line of amps is tremendous and has something for everyone.They have quality standards far above most others. The newer amps have the autoformer technology.No matter what the input impedance is for the speakers, the amp will automatically adjust.I am a happy McIntosh owner for 10 plus years.
Hi Petequad,

Thanks for taking the time to play twenty questions!

Okay, it looks to me like your highest loudspeaker priorities are (more or less in order): Clarity and nuance; presentation reminiscent of a good jazz club; freedom from boxiness & colorations; naturalness of timbre; non-fatiguing; wide sweet spot; and forgiving.

The Newform Research R645's come to mind. They do most of the things you place a high priority on, but are not the most forgiving speaker out there. Usually some tweaking and modification is required, but there's an extensive network of R645 owners out there.

The Oskar Heil Kithara also comes to mind. Great clarity and presence, very open, but a little bit "wooley" and boxy in the bass. The lower priced Aulos isn't in the same league, nor (I presume) is the Syrinx.

The Sound Lab Dynastat (which I sell) is pushing it price-wise, but is an easy speaker to drive for an electrostat (reducing the hidden amplifier cost). Nice wide sweet spot (on recent models) with excellent clarity, but a bit more laid-back presentation than what I associate with jazz clubs. Earlier models didn't have as wide a sweet spot. The woofer box is the weak link, but fortunately the crossover frequency is fairly low.

Finally, the Maggie 3.6 is an exceptionally non-fatiguing speaker with very low coloration and a forgiving voicing. Not as wide a sweet spot as the others, very demanding of associated amplification, a bit on the laid-back side, and doesn't really come to life at low volume levels. But that total freedom from boxiness sure is addictive.

In looking back over this list, I realize that with the exception of the Newforms, these are going to be above your initial budget if you buy them new. And unfortunately I couldn't come up with any speaker that that "does it all". I think the Dynastat and Kithara have the best clarity and nuance as well as the widest sweet spot but the Kithara's tonal balance is less distance-dependent; the Newform has the most lively jazz-club-like presentation (but the Kithara is pretty close); the Maggie 3.6 has the lowest coloration and is the most forgiving; and I'd have a hard time picking the most natural timbre between the Maggie, Dynastat, and Kithara.

Best of luck to you,
