Rogue Audio M-120 vs M-150


I've had a pair of Rogue Audio Magnum M-120 amps for about 18 months now and drive them with a Rogue Audio Magnum 99 preamp. I've been extremely pleased with them, to say the least. Well I recently called Mark of Rogue Audio to order a new set of output tubes and he made me a great offer on upgrading my amps to the newer M-150's. Unfortunately there is no place near me where I can listen to the M-150's so if I upgrade it will have to be without hearing them first. Mark thinks I would be happy with the upgrade and he hasn't steered me wrong yet, but I was hoping to get some additional input before making a decision.

Mark tells me that the newer design produces far less heat, has about double the output tube life, and is more dynamic and transparent. Given how pleased I've been with my current amps I'm more than a little hesitant, but if I can take my system up a notch at a reasonable price, why not? Any input will be greatly appreciated.

Have a good day
I own the 150's and what Mark says is all true. They run much cooler than the 120's and have significantly greater detail. And the very good cost/quality ratio still applys.
Thanks for the replies! I've decided to go for the upgrade, I'll be shipping my amps to Rogue tomorrow. I have an idea that I won't be dissapointed. I decided to have them leave the Magnum M-120 faceplates on them, I think they look better. The only downside I see will be having to go without my amps for about three weeks. I guess the old H/K AVR 7000 will get pressed back into 2 channel service for a while. I think I'll survive...

Have a good day
Just curious as to how much this is going to cost. Can you tell us?
Thanks, Scott.
And does this price exclude the faceplates you are forgoing?
I'll be talking to Mark later today. If he says it's OK to post the price I'll post it. I don't know yet if forgoing the faceplates will affect the price. I just don't care for the large "ROGUE AUDIO" engraved on the new ones. I'm going to ask him if he can have some made with nothing engraved or printed on the front, if not I'll keep the old ones.

This is going to be a long few weeks... I'm surprised how much I already miss my amps. The H/K while great for HT just isn't cutting it for two channel use. It just doesn't "draw me in" the way the M-120's do. I didn't even make it all the way through one LP last night where as I usually have trouble shutting things down...

Have a good day
Oh I know. A few years ago I had a HK AVR85 for HT and music. It didn't work for music at all. I was also running Paradigm speakers and that was a shame also.
Finaly had to build all new HT and Music systems.
My brother in-law had his M120's converted to the 150's. He said it is a big change for the better. This does also include adjustable bias for 1 tube i believe. Must be the 12ax7. and has a meter.
He is in Florida and I am in NY so I haven't heard them yet.
I know he paid $1400 for the upgrade including the face plates. The new fronts are quite a bit thicker than the old 120's plates.