convergent jl2 or arc ref 600 for my eidolons?

I actually use eidolons with jl2, with very good results. now I have the possibility to buy a used pair arc ref 600; who has heard this combination with my eidolon's?
thank you very much!
what's about the arc ref 600? nobody can tell me somewhat about'? is this amp still in production?
than you.....
Costanzia, as you're probably aware Robert Harley (now editor of TAS) used the Ref 600 when he did his review of the Eidolons several years ago. He liked the combination then. I own Eidolon's, but I use Atma-Sphere MA-2s with them and cannot comment from direct experience on the Ref 600 or your JL2s. I suspect the problem is that not many of us have heard the specific combination you're asking about.
Never heard the arc ref 600's before. Robert Harley loved the Eidolon/ARC combo. I have my Eidolon's matched with a Rowland 302 - this combo is fanstastic and the best I've ever heard with Eidolons.
Hello Costanzia,

I'm in the same boat as the others who responded. The closest I can get is I did compare the ARC VT-200 to the BAT VK 60 mono-blocks and much preferred the BAT amps to the ARC. I have since moved on to the BAT 150se mono-block amps with the Eidolons and soon will be using the BAT 150se mono amps with the Eidolon Diamonds.

The CAT Jl2 and Eidolons from what I've heard is a great combination. I think the move to the ARC might be just a lateral move for you. You might want to look into the big Atma-Sphere OTL amps, or the big Joule OTL amps. Plus it is obvious I think the BAT 150se is a great combination with the Eidolon. Another consideration would be to upgrade to the Eidolon Diamond instead of an amp change.

Good luck to you in your search.

thank you very much, guys, for telling me your experience. I am waiting for the diamond's...