Audio Note Soro from 97, still current?

I am considering the purchase of an Audio Note Soro integrated SET amp but it is from 1997 and I wonder if anyone knows if this is a good year or has it been upgraded recently etc...

I especially care about the phono performance

thanks for any info

Thank you Carl, I will do so.

Are you familiar with the Soro?

If so what are your impressions?


Somewhat but I am not an electrical expert. Basically, it is a M1 preamplifier (either line or phono) and the P2SE amplifier. For a person on a budget it is hard to go wrong with one of these for 1200 used. It is a very quiet amplifier with excellent power and wonderful bass from its pentode powered 17 watts. Tubes are not very expensive, either, and there is plenty of room to work inside the chassis. Upgrades are straightforward and easy for an experienced Audio Note service person. Contact Nick at Truesound or Peter Q at Audio Note UK for more information. You would desire a newer model with the later tube spec but for the right price and condition and earlier model is good, too. Remember, though, that the older ones are getting on ten years old and you must assume some service will be required for an older model. Things like replacing output coupling caps and tubes; few hundred bucks probably. That is a good time to upgrade the speaker binding posts to silver posts.
I own an OTO check into it also. Seems some people like the sound from the OTO better than the soro. Less power but then again its plenty for me at any resonable listining level.
Basically, the OTO uses the EL34 tube which many people like. I adored my P2SE with the 6L6 tubes and the extra power (17 watts vs 10 for the OTO) was appreciated when powering medium efficiency speakers such as the Spendor SP 2/3 or low efficiency such as Spendor LS3/5A. I used both speakers with the Soro and it sounded very good. I upgraded from the Soro to a 300b SET Conqueror amplifier.

I think I should have kept the Soro; miss the extra power.
I too have heard recently that the Oto may have better sound than the Soro but I did need the extra watts as my speakers are 88db effecient. The Oto is reportedly cleaner with less grundge. I think the Soro will be so good I do not care at this point.

BTW Peter Q confirmed the slight hum is normal, so all systems go and my Soro is on the way as we 'speak'