Tube Preamplifier for Krell KSA200S

I want to upgrade and replace my Krell KRC2 preamplifier.
I want to go to tubes.
Speakers are Sonus faber Electa Amator II.
I need preamplifier with balanced input and output.
Some options are:
Sonic Frontiers Line 2 or Line 2 SE
Bat VK30SE or 31SE
Other suggest would be accept.
I know you mentioned tubes, but you might want to consider upgrading from a KRC-2 to a KRC-HR. I had the same amp/preamp combo you do, and noticed a major improvement in moving up to the KRC-HR. More air, better imaging, bass tightened up; difference was fairly dramatic.

There is a new Audible Illusions M3A for sale brand new for auction. Single ended, but a great preamp.