There is nothing worse than being given bad advice....
First read up on Audionet via their website -> based in Germany and select the English version if you are not fluent in German.
I purchased the Pre G2 pre amp and you have to go up to the Boulder 2010 to surpass it. It is better than the ML 32 and two notches better than even the classic Spectral DMC - 20 mrk 2 - their best pre amp to date. This two box design surpasses the current one box DMC 30 series not withstanding the mumetal shielding and next generation volume control.
Anyway, Audionet is very well respected in Europe and the design team has spent quite a bit of tiem to start with a clean slate to improve upon the current best out there.
Do your homework first, so that you will not be mislead by anyone...
Contact the manufacturer and get to know these guys, they only build and use Class A circuit designs. I have zero affiliation with the company and I have better things to do than become a troll....