Is DEQX a game changer?

Just read a bit and it sure sounds interesting. Does it sound like the best way to upgrade speakers?
Ptss, no, my background is in EE, although way back when I certainly had my share of math courses, and a few that touched on philosophy. I also have a law degree, although I haven't practiced as such.

Best regards,
-- Al
OK. thanks for the clarification. So, we are talking degrees of perfection here & not something that blatantly wrong when doing an indoor correction.
And, judging by your last post, it seems that if one of us listened in your room with your indoor correction, we, not knowing your system, might not even be able to tell the slight nasal quality to the mid-bass. You are aware of this since you have done an A/B comparison many times. "Slight" is a fuzzy term but I'll take your word that it's hardly perceptible & maybe only if you point it out to the listener.
DEQX is a lot of time and expense. The whole point of going through that is to get correct output from one's transducers. That requires outdoor meaurement. Without correct setup, I personally don't think its worth the effort.
Bombaywalla - Without re-reading my earliest posts, I believe I may have mentioned my reaction from the very first time I played the DEQX corrected system. I swore out loud - it was that good compared to what I was familiar with. That was from the initial (indoor) measurement

Over extended listening I noticed the slight nasal quality and after re-running the measurements outside I was able to eradicate this. I expect a first time listener may not notice that, or more likely, others may not be as critical as I am